How do I manage schools on my account?
You need at least one school for your account. Schools help teachers who have to manage ELLs across multiple school buildings to keep things organized. (If you are an independent teacher, you can create your own school and call it whatever you want.)
To view all your schools, just go to schools in the menu or click the link below. View All Schools ->
To add a school, just click the Add a School button on the schools page or the link in the menu. Add a School Now ->
To delete a school, just click the Add a School button on the schools page or the link in the menu. Add a School Now ->
To Edit a School Name or Delete a School:
- Click on the row for that school in the Schools table.
- A little black popup will appear with the options to Edit or Delete.
- Be careful deleting a school since there is no way to get it back. Students and other data are not removed when deleting a school.